Eligible Institutions and people to apply for issuance and accreditation of international certificates from the OAB-UK
The OAB-UK Agent is not just a legal entity, but a pivotal one. You represent the Authority in your region, performing crucial tasks and serving as the vital link between the Authority and individuals and institutions seeking accreditation services and certificates issued by the OAB-UK. Your role as an OAB-UK Agent is not just important, it’s integral to our operations and a unique opportunity to join a prestigious network and contribute to the global education landscape.
Those eligible to issue certificates of participation in approved training programs are those who hold international membership from the OAB-UK, including:
Training centres and platforms that have achieved OAB-UK accreditation standards and obtained international membership status are not just accredited but empowered. This accreditation marks your capability and commitment to quality training, instilling confidence in your potential clients and partners.
Independent trainers who have achieved the accreditation standards of the OAB-UK and have obtained international membership status. They are entitled to organise training courses after their accreditation and to submit a request to issue certificates accredited by the OAB-UK to participants in their training courses.
Training courses whose training package has been accredited according to the standards of the OAB-UK and whose participants are entitled to obtain an international certificate of participation. A request to issue the international certificate is submitted by the course organiser (independent trainer or training centre).
Any institution or entity can submit a request to issue certificates to sponsor various training events without accreditation.
Events eligible for sponsorship