Terms of Service

Oxford Academy Body – United Kingdom (OAB-UK)

  1. As an independent international accreditation body, OAB-UK plays a pivotal role in ensuring the quality of academic, professional, and technical education to international standards. It provides accreditation and professional membership for training institutions, trainers, training bags, examinations, and issues, and it approves certificates for participants in training courses in various fields. The significance of this role cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts the quality of education worldwide, providing a sense of reassurance about the credibility of the institution.
  2. The OAB-UK Association evolved from the International Oxford Academy Limited (IOA) in the United Kingdom – London – which was licensed under the number 13655775 until it was officially licensed as a limited company in the United Kingdom under the name Oxford Academy Body-UK under the number 15309977, known as Oxford Accreditation Body (OAB-UK)
  3. It’s important to note that the OAB-UK Academy is an independent entity and does not have a direct affiliation with the University of Oxford. Our primary relationship is with the International Oxford Academy (IOA), which has branches in the United Kingdom and Jordan. 
  4.  The Oxford Corporation is represented in the Arab region by the Oxford International Academy, registered in Jordan under No. 36309. It fully represents the Oxford Corporation in all the services it provides in all Arab countries, and it has the right to appoint exclusive representatives of the OAB-UK Corporation in each country, according to the mechanism that is agreed upon, with members of the accreditation committee.


  1. The OAB-UK Commission, as a guardian of quality, provides international accreditation services for trainers (independent trainers and trainers associated with training institutions), international accreditation for training institutions (training centres, training companies, training platforms and institutes), international accreditation for training packages (training courses and diplomas) and examinations (training and independent evaluation).
  2. Applications for accreditation or certificates of participation are submitted electronically through the OAB-UK website. Any institution or individual that is accredited will have achieved the standards of the OAB-UK. The accreditation process is transparent and well-documented through special accounts for individuals and institutions approved on the OAB-UK website. These accounts provide a comprehensive view of the accreditation, including the names of those approved, their accreditation information, the methods of communication available with them, the training programs that have been approved, their accreditation certificates, and the international code for each. This transparency ensures that all parties are well-informed and involved in the process.
  3. The goal of accreditation is to regulate the training market by implementing training by specific international standards, which helps improve the quality of training. The OAB-UK Commission, as the guardian of quality, ensures that the training programs it accredits maintain a high standard. The ultimate goal of certification is to grant participants in approved training programs and activities international certificates issued by the Oxford International Academy with accreditation from the OAB-UK Commission, which implements the training programs. Institutions and individuals accredited by the OAB-UK Corporation have obtained reliability as a result of applying the standards of the Oxford Corporation. In the event of any violation of these standards or violation of the terms of service, the organising body (the accredited training centre or the accredited independent trainer) will bear the responsibility.
  4. Members of the OAB-UK Commission, accredited trainers and training centres have the right to announce their training courses, use the accreditation logo that appears on their accounts in the list of accreditation information, and share links to their accounts documented on the Commission’s website and all its contents, including training bags, accreditation certificates, and others, through various social networking sites or in Members’ CVs or all other training literature.
  5. The chosen certification package determines the validity of accreditation for individuals and institutions. According to the package system, accreditation is automatically renewed for those who have conducted courses during the last year. However, accreditation will expire unless a training course was held in the previous year. Accreditation can be re-acquired by completing all accreditation procedures and paying the necessary fees. The renewal process is straightforward and ensures that accredited individuals and institutions are up to date with their responsibilities.
  6. While no exclusive accreditation exists for an institution or trainer within a specific country or region, a trainer or training centre may approve exclusive training packages. If these packages are specialised, unique, and modern and have not been presented before, they can be granted exclusive accreditation. This exclusivity adds a sense of privilege and uniqueness to the certification, making the audience feel valued and special. The organised training package is for a maximum of two years.
  7. An annual message is sent to all members of the OAB-UK  website (accredited trainers and accredited training centres) to document their information. An email is sent that includes a copy of the identity of the accredited trainer and a copy of the commercial registration of the accredited training centre to remind members to confirm the accreditation and renew it if it expires. They have the right. The OAB-UK  may take the action it deems appropriate, up to the point of cancelling the accreditation if the trainer or training centre does not provide any training course within a year due to failure to submit a request to issue certificates of participation, as the most crucial goal of accreditation is issuing certificates to participants in the training programs that have been accredited. This underscores the importance of the training courses in maintaining accreditation.


  1. The OAB-UK Corporation issues an international serial number (ICSN) for all certificates issued or approved by it, the same as the certificate authentication and verification number on its international certification website. 
  2. Certificates issued by the OAB-UK University

There are four types of accreditation certificates:

  • Certificate of accreditation for training institutions (training centres, training companies, and electronic training platforms)
  • Trainer accreditation certificate (independent trainers and trainers associated with training institutions)
  • Certificate of accreditation for the training package for training programs and courses (issued in the name of the organiser of the package, whether an independent certified trainer or an accredited training centre)
  • International examination accreditation certificates (issued in the name of accredited training centres)
  1. Certificates accredited by the OAB-UK Commission 

The OAB-UK  approves participation certificates of all types, which the Oxford International Academy issues. After paying their issuance fees, the certificates are uploaded to the international certificates website. 

  1. The OAB-UK Commission grants accredited individuals and institutions reliability in providing courses by international standards. It holds it responsible for following the values ​​of credibility and not going beyond to grant any participant a certificate he does not deserve. However, it carries out random oversight procedures at its own expense, and if any individual or institution transgresses, The accreditation will be withdrawn immediately. The OAB-UK  has the right to cancel the certification and publish it on its website and official pages on social networking sites.
  2. Although our certificates are issued optionally based on the desire of the participants in the training courses organised by the bodies accredited by us based on an electronic request from the organising bodies after their approval, as our certificates are recognised by many countries in Europe, the Americas, and a large part of the countries of Asia, there are a number Of the third world countries that do not follow the international standards that our procedures for issuing certificates follow. They have their standards, and several institutions specify their requirements for certificates with specific bodies for purposes that may be commercial. Hence, the accredited bodies are responsible for clarifying this matter to the participants in their training courses. Accredit and ensure that the required countries and institutions recognise our certificates, so the participant is responsible for identifying the certificate from the targeted institutions.
  3.  The system in force for these official institutions authenticates certificates for training programs issued by Oxford International Academy—Jordan Branch and accredited by the Jordanian Ministry of Education or the Jordanian Vocational and Technical Skills Development.
  4. Certificates issued by the International Oxford Academy Limited (IOA) are authenticated for those who wish by the official authorities in Britain (the notary public, the court, and the British Foreign Office) for an additional fee that may reach 500 pounds sterling. These fees include (the notary public and court attestation fees, the foreign attestation fees, The British Academy, the auditor’s fees, and shipping fees), provided that the course organiser adds when requesting the issuance of certificates, a note of the participants’ desire to have them authenticated by the British official authorities, as the certificates cannot be authenticated retroactively. The accredited organisers of the training programs must explain this to the participants in advance. The Academy is not responsible for Oxford International or Oxford UK, which are responsible for any delay, error in the names of participants, or other losses arising otherwise. 
  5. Delivery of certificates authenticated by British official authorities to the course organiser requires a longer time than electronic certificates, reaching a minimum of 21 days from the end date of the training course, provided that the course organiser submits a request to issue certificates to participants on the first day of the start of the training course, due to requirements Authentication and shipping.
  6. Issuing any certificate of participation by the standards of the OAB-UK Commission requires submitting a request for its issuance at the start of short courses or during the first week of long courses, at least two days before the beginning of the training activity, and immediately after the end of the exam, specifying the desire to have it certified by official British authorities.
  7. Certificates may not be issued or approved by the OAB-UK  retroactively, except for the certificate of participation supporting the authenticated local certificate issued by accredited training centres and issuing an international serial number (ICSN).
  8. Requirements for issuing certificates of participation from the Oxford International Academy and accrediting them from the OAB-UK Commission
  • Submit a request to issue participation certificates electronically through a verified and approved account on the OAB-UK  website.
  • The application for issuing certificates must be submitted within the specified period. 
  • Certificate issuance fees must be paid within the specified period from when the invoice is issued.
  1.  Certificates approved by the OAB-UK Corporation are authenticated on the international certification website according to applications submitted electronically through the OAB-UK Corporation website. https://oxfordab.co.uk/  Issuing certificates requires procedures to occur within a specific period if the applicant adheres to the terms of service after paying the fees according to an official invoice. The OAB-UK Corporation does not bear any responsibility as a result of the delay in achieving the requirements for issuing certificates from applicants, and this period is as follows:
  • Accreditation certificates

As a result of the issuance of this certificate, the accreditation procedures are completed. The accreditation procedures take a week to ten working days from submitting the accreditation application to the independent trainer or training centre, including requests for accreditation of training packages. The certificate is issued within 72 hours of paying the invoice or submitting the application if the invoice is paid (it includes an invoice for accreditation of training institutions. Fees for issuing certificates for trainers, and training bags, the number of which is specified in the accreditation application).

  • Certificates of participation in training programs

It is preferable to submit a request to issue attendance certificates during the first week of the training course. Certificates will be issued within 72 hours of paying the invoice fees. 

  • Examination certificates

Certificates are issued within 72 hours of submitting the exam. The invoice is issued, and fees are paid before submitting the exam. 

  • Certificates of recommendation for local certificates

Certificates are issued within 72 hours of paying the invoice fee 

  • Certificates of participation in training activities
  • Certificates are issued within 72 hours of paying the invoice fees 


  1.  Any certificate issued by the Oxford International Academy or accredited by the OAB-UK  is published on the international certification website of the OAB-UK, which proves that it is internationally certified by the OAB-UK. The certificate is verified by entering the international certificate number issued by the OAB-UK  that appears on the Certificate through the certificates website from the link https://oxfordab.co.uk/certificates/. The image of the certificate and its information will appear, with the possibility of downloading the certificate and the topics of the training package in PDF format.
  2. To preserve privacy, the OAB-UK Corporation, its representatives, organisers of accredited training courses, and the certificate holder are the ones who have the right to view the international certificate number, which is the property of the certificate holder and is affixed to it.
  3. After completing the issuance procedures, Certificates Attendance will be performed according to the specified criteria. The international certificate number is sent to the certificate holder or the training course organiser to be downloaded or withdrawn on paper, or participants are provided with their certificate numbers so they can cancel them on paper and withdraw the approved training course topics on paper from the international certificates website. The owner has the right to dispose of them.—Varsal is for anyone who wants.
  4. The certificates’ images are in JPG format, and the certificate information appears on the international certificates website. The certificate holder can send the electronic link to the certificate to whomever wishes. He can also download the certificate and the training package content. For certificates, participation in training programs is accredited and certified by the OAB-UK Commission in PDF format to serve as evidence for the certificate holders of the topics included in the training course attended by the participants.
  5. Accreditation certificates are available on the international certification website from the date of their issuance until they expire. The OAB-UK  can remove them and their holder’s account unless renewed within a month of expiration.
  6.  Certificates approved by the OAB-UK Corporation are free of charge on the international certifications website for five years from the date of their issuance. The OAB-UK Corporation has the right to remove them after that period expires. If the holder wishes to renew their appearance for another five years, a request must be submitted, and the renewal period fees must be paid.
  7. If the participant cannot access his certificate as a result of losing it or forgetting its number, or if he has a certificate but it is not documented on the certificate website, he can contact us through a request located on the same link to take the necessary action, as our responsibility is limited to keeping the certificates on our website until the certificate expires or For at least five years from the date of its issuance, after this period we disclaim all responsibility due to the increased pressure on the servers, and the task of maintaining the certificate is the responsibility of the certificate holder.
  8. Any website is vulnerable to downtime due to maintenance work or being exposed to hackers. Although we rely on the most robust protection systems, we disclaim all responsibility when this happens until the technical support team takes the necessary action.
  9. The OAB-UK  or any of its representatives can be reached at the official email address oxford@oxfordab.co.uk. You can also contact us at the phone numbers and contact sites published on our website.
  10. The contact information for the accredited trainer or accredited training centre is displayed through the accreditation services list to achieve the goal of networking so that it is easy to communicate with certified individuals and institutions. The contact information includes essential communication sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp, which the accredited member adds optionally. The phone number added is mandatory. Any registered member can also send messages to other members on the site, write posts, comment on posts and like them, create groups and invite other members to subscribe to them. The OAB-UK  does not impose any restrictions on social or training-related posts. Every member registered on the site bears responsibility for the posts, comments and messages he adds. At the same time, Oxford can delete any post or comment that conflicts with principles and good morals.
  11. Any member can voluntarily add a CV according to professional standards through the OAB-UK Commission website. I can specify what I want by hiding it or changing his appearance.


A certificate will be issued if the fees issued according to an invoice are paid and sent by email or WhatsApp to the applicant, provided the invoice is paid within three days of its issuance. And poetry The OAB-UK  pays it, or there is an error or modification in the invoice. In the event of non-payment for a week, the order is automatically cancelled, which requires refilling the order again.

The OAB-UK provides most of its services free of charge. It does not charge any fees for accreditation, electronic services fees, fees for submitting accreditation applications, or fees for sitting exams. The fees we receive are limited to issuing certificates of all kinds only, and they are nominal fees, except fees for certification from official authorities according to their regulations. The fees that are paid will not be returned under any circumstances, especially since the fees that are paid are deducted from the sales tax in addition to the transfer fees.

The OAB-UK Corporation does not charge training fees for courses provided by accredited trainers or institutions and does not interfere in determining training course fees.

The OAB-UK is not responsible for the training method used in courses provided by independent certified trainers or those affiliated with accredited training centres or for the extent to which participants accept the trainer’s method. It is also not responsible for the suitability of the training package to the trainee client’s request. It has no financial dealings with participants in the training courses provided by certified trainers. No one or entity has the right to claim any Fees paid to other parties.

All applications are submitted electronically through the OAB-UK  website: https://oxfordab.co.uk/. Fees are not paid for issuing certificates by applicants for accreditation or applicants for issuance of certificates directly, as applications are studied to ensure that they meet the standards of the Oxford International Commission. An official invoice is issued after approval. Payment methods are indicated on the official invoice, and certificate issuance procedures begin immediately. Pay the invoice value, which will be issued within the period specified in the terms of service document (within 72 hours of paying the invoice fee).