Verify Certificate

If you have the international serial number for your certificate (ICSN) issued by Oxford International Academy, and you would like to verify the authenticity of the certificate and ensure that the OAB-UK internationally accredits it, insert the ICSN here:
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Verify using QR Code

  1. Scan the QR Code on the certificate with your mobile phone.
  2. The certificate and course information will appear on the Oxford British Board (OAB-UK) website.

What significance does the correct ICSN hold?

It is the key to unlocking the details of your certificate.

  1. Certificate: A copy of the approved international certificate.
  2. Download: Download the certificate in PDF format.
  3. Training Package: Download the training package topics button to access the approved training programs related to your certificate. Participating in these programs can enhance your skills and knowledge in the respective field.
  4. Information: The most important information about the certificate.

What does it mean for your degree to appear?

  • The international certificate serial number (ICSN) is correct and issued by the OAB-UK. 
  • The certificate is authenticated through the OAB-UK international certification website.

Verify certificates before 2025

If you have a certificate issued before 2025 and you do not find it on the new Oxford International Certificates website, please check for it on the Certificates website before updating.